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Become a Vendor

Heritage Park
221 N. Palmetto, Sanford, FL 32771
flyer soliciting vendors for annual MLK parade in Sanford, FL


  1. The vendor setup is from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the event day, Monday, January 20, 2025. Vendor space will be assigned at check-in. The festival will begin immediately after the parade, with an estimated start time of 11:30 a.m.

  2.  Vehicles are not permitted to drive into the park grass grounds for setup. Instead, vendors are responsible for transporting their merchandise into and from the park using carts. This policy applies to all vendors, with the exception of Food Trucks. Food Trucks will be permitted to park along Seminole Blvd.

  3. Tables, tents, chairs, and special equipment will be the responsibility of the vendor. Please ensure that the vendor area is not left unattended at any time. Ensure all tents are properly anchored to the ground to prevent them from being blown away by strong winds.

  4. Subletting of vending space or power is prohibited.

  5. Food vendors must clearly indicate the specific food items being sold. Vendors are required to make payment by the application deadline of January 3, 2025.  Space is limited, and we will be allocating assignments on a first-come, first-served basis.

  6. Food Vendor space is 10 x 10. A $100 fee for an additional 10 x 10 space.

  7. All approved vendors will have to complete a City of Sanford, Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement (available on the next page)

  8. No alcohol or controlled substances will be allowed.

  9. Food vendors must properly dispose of trash, oil, and grease.

  10. Food Trucks are responsible for traffic cones in the front and back of vehicles.

  11. Electricity will not be provided. Low-noise generators are allowed.

  12. Food Vendors MUST have $1,000,000 Product Liability Insurance, with the City of Sanford and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee as additional insurers. Please submit a hard or electronic copy along with payment. NO EXCEPTIONS. THESE ITEMS MUST BE PROVIDED BY APPLICATION DEADLINE – January 3, 2025.

  13. REFUND POLICY: NO REFUNDS in the event of inclement weather or due to a no-show on our scheduled event date. If due to weather conditions, an alternate festival event date will be set, and all paid vendors will be automatically approved to vend on this new date.



  1. Vendor set-up time is 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. A vendor space assignment will be assigned at check-in.

  2. Vehicles are not permitted to drive into the park grass grounds for setup. Instead, vendors are responsible for transporting their merchandise into and from the park using carts. This policy applies to all vendors, except for food trucks. Food Trucks will be permitted to park along Seminole Blvd.

  3. Tables, tents, chairs, and special equipment will be the responsibility of the vendor. Please do not leave the vendor area unattended. In the case of high winds, please secure tents.

  4. Subletting of vending space or power is prohibited.

  5. Electricity is not provided. Low-noise generators will be allowed.

  6. REFUND POLICY: NO REFUNDS due to inclement weather or no-shows. If an alternate event date is rescheduled due to weather, all paid vendors will be automatically approved to vend on that date.

  7. Vendors must complete and return the Application and City of Sanford Hold Harmless agreement (available on the next page).

  8. Vendors are required to wear their identification tags and/or display their permits at all times. (ID Tags and/or City Permits will be given out during the set-up time).

  9. Vendors are responsible for the clean-up of their vendor area.

  10. City ordinance prohibits alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in the park.

  11. Merchandise and Information Vendors are not allowed to sell any type of food or beverages.

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P.O. Box 500  |  Sanford, FL 32772  |  (407) 257-9566

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Steering Committee Inc. is a 501 C 3 Organization ID # 59-3521511

© 2024 MLK Jr. Steering Committee. Site by CARNELL (visit website)

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