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MLK Sanford Celebration Committee

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Steering Committee, Inc. proudly presents the 38th Annual Celebration and Memorial Observance.   We honor Dr. King each year by ensuring we do our part to keep the dream alive.  We believe keeping the dream alive begins with the person you see in the mirror…challenge that person to take a moral inventory of themselves to ensure that they are thinking about what’s best for mankind.  This self-reflection should compel individuals into their communities,  workplaces, and worship centers to ask questions and create meaningful dialog with those around them.  Conversations such as these allow us to be open and honest about our differences, help us to understand each other better, and ultimately allow us to know that we have more in common than the differences that divide us.

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Steering Committee was established in 1987 by  Mayor Bettye D. Smith and  Sanford City Commissioners Herbert Eckstein,  A. A. McClanahan, Joy Y. Mercer, and Robert B. Thomas, Jr.   The first Chairperson was Dr. Lurlene M. Sweeting.  Today, many of you may know, have seen, or met our current Chairman, Melvin Philpot, and Co-Chairman, Kenneth Bentley, two individuals who are public figures in our communities.

Thank you to everyone for participating in our MLK events.  We care about the experience of all of you.  Our commitment to putting together the most inspirational and fun events possible to motivate the entire community toward a better world and stay true to brotherly/sisterly love.

If you have questions or want to join or volunteer, click the button below.

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P.O. Bwat 500  | Sanford, FL 32772  | (407) 257-9566
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. Komite Direksyon Selebrasyon Inc. se yon òganizasyon 501 C 3 ID # 59-3521511

© 2023 Komite Direktè MLK Jr. Sit pa CARNELL (vizite sit entènèt)

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